"Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning it's shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God."
-Hebrews 12:2

Saturday, June 26, 2010

healing begins.

Focus on the little things in life, the big things will just let you down.

Its so true.

A smile, a laugh, or that quick note can mean the world to someone. Passion is contagious, so let your light shine. In my life, I let so many people let me down. I focus way too much on all the "big things". In relationships, there can be hurt. That hurt isn't going to just go away. Little by little that hurt needs to be chipped away. It starts with the little things. A simple "how are you?" (a real "how are you") can bring relief. A simple way to show someone you care can create healing. A sincere apology is a promise for tomorrow. One thing is for sure: Ignoring a thorn isn't going to make the thorn go away. It just causes infection. No matter how hard it may hurt to remove that thorn, in the end..it will be better.

This is where the healing begins.



Sunday, June 13, 2010

Never A Goodbye.

I don't know what it's like to have a home.
I place that I can really call my own.
I wonder what it's like to really feel like I belong.
The only thing I can count on is my Jesus; my strenghth and my song.

Lord, You are my father, my daddy, my friend.
With you I'll never feel alone again.
You know me completely, you hear every cry.
I trust you and I believe that you'll never say good bye.



Friday, June 11, 2010



life is a journey. that's for sure.

I love how God knows me. It's such a comfort to know that my Father knows me better than anyone else ever will. I don't have to be scared. I don't have to worry about Him disappointing me. I can trust my Father. I can give my all. I can tell Him how I feel and even when I don't understand myself..He gets it. When people fail me, my Father is right by my side..inviting me to lean on Him.

There are times of silence. There are times when the feeling of His presence knocks you to your knees and all you can do is raise your hands and praise. Regardless of our feelings, His love for us never changes. His love endures forever. forever. He accepts you as you are, but loves you too much not to have you change. But don't fear, the change is for the good. He promises he won't leave us, but sometimes we will experience pain. He is the healer of all pain. He is the Father to the fatherless. He is the savior to all who call upon His name.

He is anything and everything that You and I need.
He can do anything but fail.

Jesus really really loves you.



Friday, June 4, 2010


Time and Energy.
Love and commitment.

When you put these things into a relationship..it matters.
When someone completely shatters these things...its matters.

Hurt is something that's bound to happen.

Relationships nearly always have hurt. People are people..and people fail. This is probably why God tells us so many times in His word to Trust God..not man.

I don't know about you, But I'm sure praising Jesus for his unconditional, unfailing love. Jesus..well..we can trust Him. <3



All I'll Ever Need.

I opened myself to you.
Told you all my dreams, showed you all my scars.
I cried and laughed.
We were friends.
When I didn't understand, you did for me.
When I needed someone there, you were there to hold me.

You spoke about all the people that hurt you.
I told you of the pain that I still hold onto.
I thought I had a friend.
After all this time, I feel like it's finally the end.

Honesty,that's what was missing.
Eventually it all slipped away.
Now I'm here, feeling like a fool.
Looking up to you is over now.
I could cry, I could yell.
But all I can do is sit here.
Knowing that things will never be the same.

and thats ok.
Cause I've got all I'll ever need.
Right here beside me,
is a man I can always trust.
He doesn't lie.
and there's always hope.

I thought I needed you.
I worked so hard trying to make myself into the person you wanted me to be.
I wanted acceptance, I wanted to be special.
I wanted this from you.

And now all I can say is that I'm thankful God doesn't always give me what I think I want.

So, I'm just gonna keep being me.
The way God designed me to be.
No one can change that.
And you never will.

It's all over now.
I'm me and thats ok.
Cause I've got all I'll ever need.
Right here...beside me.



Thursday, June 3, 2010


What would this world be like if everyone was honest?

If there were no ulterior motives? No hidden feelings?

I can't wait for the day when there's no hurt. No sickness. No death. No pain.

I can only imagine.
There will be a day.

keep shining til you see HIS face.

