"Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning it's shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God."
-Hebrews 12:2

Friday, June 4, 2010

All I'll Ever Need.

I opened myself to you.
Told you all my dreams, showed you all my scars.
I cried and laughed.
We were friends.
When I didn't understand, you did for me.
When I needed someone there, you were there to hold me.

You spoke about all the people that hurt you.
I told you of the pain that I still hold onto.
I thought I had a friend.
After all this time, I feel like it's finally the end.

Honesty,that's what was missing.
Eventually it all slipped away.
Now I'm here, feeling like a fool.
Looking up to you is over now.
I could cry, I could yell.
But all I can do is sit here.
Knowing that things will never be the same.

and thats ok.
Cause I've got all I'll ever need.
Right here beside me,
is a man I can always trust.
He doesn't lie.
and there's always hope.

I thought I needed you.
I worked so hard trying to make myself into the person you wanted me to be.
I wanted acceptance, I wanted to be special.
I wanted this from you.

And now all I can say is that I'm thankful God doesn't always give me what I think I want.

So, I'm just gonna keep being me.
The way God designed me to be.
No one can change that.
And you never will.

It's all over now.
I'm me and thats ok.
Cause I've got all I'll ever need.
Right here...beside me.



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