"Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning it's shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God."
-Hebrews 12:2

Monday, March 29, 2010


Live In Love

Don’t give up on me
We make this harder than it has to be
Our eyes are open but yet we don’t truly see
No one is perfect
Yet we can all be redeemed
Cause He died on the tree
For you and for me
So live in love
His perfect love
Cause that’s the way we were created to be

You’re hurt and you’re scared
Well, I’ve been there
Feeling like no one cares
Crying all through the night
But by the power of His might
He’ll make your heart light
So live in love
His perfect love
Everything's gonna be alright.

I’m running dry
I’m feeling so empty
I’m crying out, but no one hears me calling
Everything in me is weak
The only thing that stays strong are the chains of these fears
Holding me back
Causing me to doubt

Even when I can’t see You
Even when I can’t feel You
I know that you’re here
Seeing me through my fear
In Your hands you hold all my tears
You wash me with your blood
You breathe your strength into my weak body
You whisper your promises to me
Like a melody in a song
Your loves goes on.

So live in love.
His perfect love.


  1. this is so gorgeous and encouraging!!! "You breathe Your strength into my weak body"...beautiful.

  2. thanks girl.

    its 1 of the 2 songs that i've written. I'm glad you like it, Lady Rachel. ;)
