"Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning it's shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God."
-Hebrews 12:2

Saturday, January 2, 2010

It's A New Day.

Hello 2010!
This year has already proved itself to be a fresh start, full of new adventures. I'm normally NOT one for new years resolutions..but..I have a little list this year. One of my goals for 2010: Start a blog.

SO! Here I am..Kristi Elizabeth if you didn't already figure that out. A few facts about me: Jesus is number one. He's my Best Friend, Savior, Lord,and Father. He's everything I could ask more plus a ton more. Coffee is close to my heart. I love beling alone with just me and Jesus and learning more about Him and how Awesome He is. I love to write. Hence the blogging. I love music..any type of music..but mostly the type that sings praises to God. I love people...of all shapes and sizes, ages, and races. I love little kids. I love dancing and singing. I'm a faithful "list maker". I love my friends. And..I love to LOVE, even when it hurts.

OK..so here's my list of goals I hope to meet by the end of this new year. Day by day I plan to work at them.

1. Start a blog (check)
2. Study the Bible more and grow closer to God (currently in progress)
3. Eat right, be healthy, take vitamins (in progress as well)

...and so on. Not much..but I like to set goals. well..thats enough for now. I'm sure you'll be seeing more of me in the near future..

May God bless YOUR day. :]



  1. stAHL! you're amazing :) but you forgot "reunite AHL girls" on your list! Purdue Singing?? Love you. wAHL

  2. oh darn. i forgot.
    when is the purdue singing?
    i will make a serious effort to be there.
    i'll even put it on my list. :)
    loveyou. -stAHL.
